EFA Ventures was founded in 1989 as a consulting company, specializing in the niche markets of:

  • Industrial Cooperation – with an emphasis on co-production and investments in high-tech projects concerning the Aerospace & Defense sector.
  • Investment Banking – offering primarily corporate finance Merger & Acquisition (M/A) advisory services.

In the 1990s, the company extended the scope of its Industrial Cooperation activities to provide technical and support services in Aerospace & Defense procurements. Since then, EFA Ventures has been transforming its role from an advisory company to a principal industrial one.

In 2012, EFA Ventures merged with Epicos S.A., a leading global B2B information platform for the Aerospace, Defense and High Technology (ADHT) Industries, and the only, globally, digital industrial cooperation operator and service provider. After the merge, EFA Ventures has taken over the administration and operation of the epicos.com web portal.

Since then, EFA Ventures has undertaken Global Supply Chain management initiatives, which have been implemented within our ever-expanding range of services. Its current focus is on becoming primarily an industrial operating company in a number of aerospace & defense areas.