The added value of the Greek engineering was highlighted by Christian Hadjiminas, President of the EFA GROUP and Vice President of the Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association (EENE), at the CEO Initiative Forum 2021, held on 23/11/2021 at the Hotel Grande Bretagne in Athens, by FORTUNE.
In the panel titled “Business Transformation & Talent War” with Christos Dimas, Deputy Minister of Development & Investments, Kostas Gerardos, CEO of Plaisio Computers, and Dimitris Koutsopoulos, CEO of Deloitte Greece, Mr. Hadjiminas, underlined the importance of the retraining of EFA GROUP staff, noting that digital skills should also be cultivated in the light of social empathy, so that the employees can have an holistic approach. He stressed the added value and high productivity of the Greek engineers, as well as that engineering and business development are interrelated concepts, since businesses should “listen” to market needs, so that a product can be promoted entrepreneurially. EFA GROUP invests 15% of its turnover in research and development.