EFA Ventures is the driving force behind epicos.com (EPICOS), the leading Global B2B (Business-to-Business) information platform for the Aerospace, Defense and High Technology (ADHT) Industries, and the only global industrial cooperation consultancy and service provider. Epicos, is a reliable source of business intelligence for the ADHT Industries, offering online and offline services, actively used by professionals from more than 30 nations worldwide.

The platform-portal offers an invaluable database of the global ADHT Industries and their capabilities, while it is recognized as a credible source of information on developments in the relevant markets by the majority of A&D and High Tech companies. Highly customizable databases of global industrial capabilities, procurement opportunities and Industrial Cooperation projects have been developed over the years by the EPICOS team, while Industrial Cooperation regulatory frameworks have been tracked worldwide.

In addition, EPICOS has developed the National Industry Support Program (NISP), which provides domestic Aerospace, Defense and High Tech industries with a wide range of customized services, thereby assisting them in increasing their capabilities and in expanding their global market share. Up to date, the NISP program has been implemented with outstanding success in 16 countries around the world.


For each of the above programs, EPICOS had to map and analyze the local A&D capabilities, including the local industry (state-owned, private, primes and SMEs), local institutes, Governmental entities and Universities. The analysis for each country included the development of specific questionnaires and the conduction of interviews in order to collect the necessary data. Collected information was then analyzed in order to generate bespoke reports requested by the Governments, as a mandatory deliverable for all National Industry Support Programs.
Finally, EPICOS offers a unique service for the Industrial Cooperation and Offsets market, namely the EPICOS Project Opportunities service, providing, online, a set of tools enabling the identification, structuring and implementation of comprehensive Offsets/IC projects. These projects enable Prime Contractors and the Local Industry to interact, in order to identify partnership and project implementation opportunities. Most of the projects listed in our database have been developed together with the local industry and are supported by the respective offset authorities.

For more information please visit www.epicos.com.